FIT in Your Warm-up

By: Megan Lambert

This is the second article in our three-part “FIT” series, which discusses practical ways to implement an exercise routine, a dynamic warm-up, and a workout recovery into your daily life. Specifically, this article discusses what to do before your starting your workout. We already covered how important it is to carve out time in your daily schedule to exercise, but did you know that it is equally if not more important to prepare your body for exercise?

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of warming up your muscles before activity as well as give you 10 simple movements that you can include in your routine.

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Benefits of a warm-up:

Injury prevention

Just like a NASCAR driver wouldn’t begin a race without first warming up the car’s engine, so you should increase the temperature of your “vehicle” (your body’s musculature system) before beginning your “race” (your daily workout). By performing various dynamic stretches and movement patterns, you prepare your body for more rigorous movement. For example, performing body weight squats or sumo squats prepares your body a set of barbell back squats.

Improved mobility

The exercises found in a dynamic warm-up are based upon movement patterns such as squatting, jumping, rotating, etc. These are movements that citizens in our modern society struggle to complete on a daily basis. Dr. Kelly Starrett illustrates this point well in his book, “Deskbound.” Because of our modern society, many people sit at work all day, sit in the car, sit when they eat, sit when they watch TV…you get the idea. Because of lengthy amounts of sitting, basic movement patterns are inhibited. Therefore, a good dynamic warm-up will help counteract the biomechanical deficiencies that prolonged sitting can have on your body.

Decrease stress on heart

According to an article from the American Heart Association, “by slowly raising your heart rate, the warm-up also helps minimize stress on your heart.” Meaning, performing steady state cardiovascular exercise, such as using an elliptical or riding a stationary bike, can increase your heart rate gradually rather than suddenly or all at once. Various exercises such as jumping jacks, jump rope, and skips can also accomplish this goal.

Sample warm-up:

Jumping jacks

Standing hip circles

Arm circles



Body weight squats

Jump rope

Open book stretch

Walking straight-leg march

High knees

FIT in Your Workout

By: Matt Nicholson and Megan Lambert

The holiday season is a time filled with family gatherings, Christmas tree decorating, and gift buying, and consequently it is easy to let your workout time disappear from your weekly schedule. However, just a few minutes of exercise each day can go a long way to helping you achieve your goals of getting in shape, losing a few pounds, and reducing stress. So, here are seven time management tips to help you prioritize your daily workouts as well as a simple and short workout that you can do at home or in the office.

Time management tips:

  1. Prioritize your daily activities in a to-do list.
  2. Determine your most productive hours of the day and plan to get the most done during this time, in order to free up other hours during the day.
  3. Set mini goals throughout the day to accomplish specific tasks by a certain time of day.
  4. Set an alarm to accomplish a certain task in an amount of time.
  5. Minimize distractions by silencing your cell phone when working an important task and only check your email at certain times throughout the day (for example, once an hour).
  6. Get a good night of sleep so that you are rested and recovered from previous work days and workout sessions.
  7. Prepare meals over the weekend and freeze them for the following week.

Simple 10 minute office workout:

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and with a 10 second rest between exercises.  Complete 1- 2 rounds.

  • Squats  


  • Split squats


  • Push-ups

  • Chair dips


  • Planks

  • Bridges


  • Wall angels


6 Practical Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life

By: Megan Lambert

There are different types of stress that impact you and your family on a daily basis. For example, planning a wedding and getting in a car accident are two very different types of stress. Specifically, the scientific community defines the difference between positive and negative stress as eustress and distress. Accordingly, this article gives six examples of coping mechanisms for the negative stressors in your life

  1. Keep a journal

Record something you are thankful for in a gratitude journal every day.

  1. Make lists

Create a to-do-list for every day of the week with the tasks you want to accomplish for the respective day. That way, your day will be more organized and focused.

  1. Practice deep breathing

After your alarm goes off in the morning, take 5-10 slow, deep breaths. Take five counts to breathe in and five counts to breathe out. This Harvard article describes the benefits of this relaxation technique.

  1. Create time for yourself

Schedule time to exercise, go for a walk, or practice yoga. Even 20 minutes makes a difference!

  1. Use relaxation phone apps

This article reviews five different phone apps that play relaxation, white noise sounds. For example, Brain Wave has 25 different categories such as “expresso shot,” “morning meditation,” and “focused and alert” that play different white noise sounds based on the category you choose. I personally have found success using Brain Wave when I am having trouble focusing when I’m working or studying!

  1. Utilize progressive relaxation

Edmund Jacobson, a renowned physician in the 1900’s, created a method of relaxation that takes an individual through a series of sequences that relax each muscle group. See the video below to learn more about this technique: